Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Dayak Leadership: What reference do we have today?

Written by gkm2020


There have been a huge number of new blogs, articles, and commentary published recently on both political and/or current economic “crisis”. What can we do about it or how can we overcome it? At the grass-roots level, I think there are a few things that our Leaders and their followers, teams or staffs might remember that will enhance their success at navigating these perilous waters and waves.

Lead, Don’t Follow

The media propaganda - First of all, do not believe (necessarily) all the super-heated hype you hear from the media, “Berita Hangat” or “Berita Panas” or “Prestige Political Champaign”. Always remember that the goal of the media is to make news, yield from advertising, embellish it, and then sell it. You cannot ever trust the media to become the de facto leader of your organization, especially in a “crisis” situation.

Trust yourselves and your own knowledge of your family, your loyal followers, organization, business, industry, and metrics, without hysteria. Tap into your people’s talent, innovation and creativity by challenging them to think outside the box not inside the box or within the circle of our community’s mindset and offer possibilities and/or solutions to the organization’s problems. Leader of Talent.

Lead By Example

I’m the Chief-of-Staff. I’m the Commander-in-Chief. Leaders must have guts and/or courage, dare to shoulder responsibility(s) and accountable to all decision made.  Leaders are Executive Officers who know how to read, study, analyze and made Executive Order or Executive Decision.

Be openness, cool and calm! What possible benefit can you derive from running around behaving like your hair is on fire or hiding from bees attack or as though you’re seeing a ghost staring in front of you? People are just a human being and they all have limitation like you too.

Believe me, if you behave that way, your people will get spooked, very, very spooky. Your best people are the ones with the most options, and they are always the first to leave when times get tough enough to start looking for alternatives. Don’t hasten their untimely departure by acting badly. Ask yourself this, “Would anyone want to follow me right now, and be proud to say it?” Leader of Command and Control.

Lead By Informing

This is your Captain speaking….I am constantly amazed at how many leaders seem to think their people are clairvoyant. They aren’t any more clairvoyant than you are. So, you must increase the level of communication and more communication and maintain liaisons to/with your people by a significant amount, even to the point that you feel as though you sound like a broken record.

Many leaders start to circle the pubs when there is bad news, and allow the gossip machine to take over for them when times are tough. For every closed door meeting, plan and/or strategies to have an open session with folks who may be wondering what is going on. Leader of Heart. 

Lead With Encouragement

Tell the truth and be transparent! Nothing is more discouraging than knowing you can’t trust your leadership to tell you the unvarnished truth in a crisis. Be honest, tell all, then encourage your people by developing best-outcome scenarios and acting accordingly. Ever listen to a skilled coach give a pep-talk when the going gets tough or rough?

I remember a scene from the movie “Apollo-13,” when Chris Craft said, “This could be the worst disaster NASA’s ever faced. Gene Kranz, replied, “With all due respect, sir, I believe this is gonna be our finest hour.” By refusing give up, Kranz inspired his team to greatness, not defeat. Leader of Morale and Hope.

Lead By Decision-Making

You may have to make some unpleasant and unpopular decisions. Make them and accept the consequences. But, for heaven’s sake, be humane. Do not EVER inform someone they are being terminated by e-mail or by short-messaging (SMS) or using a third party!!! As leader you got to be firm and direct.

I have heard of numerous instances where employees are furloughed by e-mail, and I cannon imagine a more cowardly, callous act toward a valued colleague. Of course, if you don’t value your colleagues or your very own peoples, you have no business leading them in the first place or even thought of trying to represent them. We need Leaders with Value and Might.

Lead With Character

Tempted to do something less than honorable in a crisis? Well, please remember, our dear Leaders and/or potential leaders or leaders in the making, that your past actions will follow you as closely as your shadow. Your reputation as someone who is trustworthy is quite fragile. All eyes are on you, including those of your “kaban semenua”, “orang kampong”, partners, affiliates, employees, suppliers, and customers and almost everyone who have known you.

I read an article that some consumer products companies are not increasing prices, but instead are reducing the net weight in their packaging, (and probably using labeling to hide the empty space). Customers (especially the smart ones) won’t forget you tried to pull a fast one on them and will go elsewhere. You may have many examples on this too. Leader of Honor and Ethic. 


Above all, you must remember that this “crisis” is more than likely a speed bump and not an insurmountable barrier. If your organization be it in politic or business or others has been well-led, chances are the current political “crisis” is one that will NOT overwhelm you.

If you can endure, your weaker rivals may perish, making you stronger than ever when the political and/or economy rebounds (which it certainly will). When is the best time to make investments in people, products, marketing, internal strength, and capability? Act right now, before your political rival defeat or weaken your element of advantage and/or don’t wait for the market turns upward, not afterwards.

Happy reading and have a nice day!!

Leka ka nyaka tu dulu meh penemu ari aku…

Mupuk aku unggal/wai, agi ka begiga ka kayu-ramu dikena aku nungkun api…

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